
Well isn’t this fun! I’ve had a few websites in my day (including a Hanson fan page), but this is by far the best on yet. I don’t say that because it’s simple and pretty and I did it all by myself, but because it’s for something that I’m so excited about and happy to be finally doing.

You know those icebreaker questions that ask you what your dream job is? Well, for years my answer has been “professional organizer”. And while there are a few steps in between now and officially gaining that title, I am actually doing it!

The past few months of helping friends and family organize their space has been way more fun than I thought it would be. I just love being able to help people by doing something that makes a positive impact on their lives even after I leave.

So, why “Make Space Home Organization”? Well, making space has been something I’ve been working on for the past couple of years - both in terms of my emotional, spiritual and mental wellbeing, but also in the physical spaces I inhabit. A couple of years ago I was in the midst of a season of despair, and I needed a place where I could just simply be. I imagined a space that was clean, calm and bright. It took a number of months to make this space, and it was a process in which I learned a lot about how the spaces around us can have an effect on our overall wellbeing. To create this dreamy space, we had to move the girls into the same room, make the other bedroom a playroom, and then transform our living room into a place of calm. Our living room went from a chaotic mess of toys, bulky furniture, and tan all the things (walls, carpet, curtains, furniture - really, what was I thinking?!), to a light-filled, simple, calm and comfortable respite. This space served me well in that season and it continues to be my favorite space in our home.

This little spot is part of the inspiration I needed to launch Make Space Home Organization. The idea of making space is not just about organizing stuff, creating functional systems, and streamlining things - though that is an important part of it! - it’s about making a space that allows a client (you!) to be able to do the things that are important without their stuff getting in the way. You’ll see if all over the place here, because I really believe it’s true - a well ordered home makes space for the stuff of life to happen. That stuff is the ability to play a game as a family without needing to push aside the clutter on the table first; it’s being comfortable with people just popping over because your house is easy to keep on top of. It’s also the ability to relax for those of us who have a hard time sitting down when x,y and z are not yet done but you can’t get to x,y or z because you still have to tackle t,u,v and w. When the stuff around you is in its place, it gives you the space you need to just be present.


How to Declutter & Organize Your Junk Drawer